Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rodeo... State Park... Fishin' at the Duck Pond...

Not going to write too much, just going to post a bunch of pictures!!  So even though we were sick spring break week we did get to enjoy some things still.  First off was a trip to Brazos Bend State Park.  Then we followed up with a day of fishing at our local duck pond.  Then to top off the very end of spring break we went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo!  Here are some pics from those events...




Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break... And Most of Us Are Sick!

Well it's that time of the year, where the weather plays that funny trick of hot verses cold!  So as all who live in Houston, Texas know it usually means bring on the sicknesses.  So my son, myself and my youngest daughter are all struggling with either a very bad cold or virus of some kind.  And wouldn't you know it, it's SPRING BREAK!!!  But, were not going to let it keep us down.  We are picking up and going to Brazos Bend State Park in the early morning.  Then tomorrow it's off to the Rodeo Carnival.  Tons of things to do, but daddy is only home with us for these first two days so we have to take advantage of our time with him and go out and do as much as we can as a family.  Love this time of year, hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed spring break!

Monday, March 1, 2010


I can safely say that my kids have really enjoyed rodeo time this year maybe more than any other year.  They all had days of western at school and my two youngest rode ponies last week.  My neice Gillian stayed over with us and when the kids woke the next mornin' they were off to the parade!  They were very excited that Gillian was able to come as was she.  I heard all about it when they arrived home.  Their Nana and Papa took them...  Special time with their grandkids!  Great weekend for all.
Daisypath Anniversary tickers